Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


Traceability is an important aspect of HSPL, as it helps to ensure the quality and safety of the products in our vehicles. As an automotive parts manufacturer, it is essential to have a traceability system in place to track the history, location, and movement of products throughout the entire supply chain. This can include everything from raw materials to finished products and can help to identify any issues or problems that may arise.


To build customer trust and enhance their satisfaction levels, we provide our customers with complete information about our traceability practices.

  • Micro/ Macro Metallurgical reports
  • Heat Codes
  • Forged Embossing
  • Heat Treatment Specification
  • Induction Hardening Specifications


Our various product identification methods ease tracing and tracking products effectively and efficiently. This helps us to improve quality control, safety, and compliance with regulations.

  • Color Coding
  • Identification Card
  • Route Card
  • Punching